Journey comes to an end!

Touqeer Iqbal
3 min readOct 25, 2020

First, Thanks to Allah for providing me the chance to meet with such amazing people then my gratitude to Amal Academy and my PM (Ms. Naqsh), APM (Ms. Aleena) last but not the least my fellow fellows who were helpful, respectful and humble throughout this journey.

18th Oct, 2020 last day of Amal journey, I was emotionally connect with this session because I know may be this was the last meetup for most of us however, this session leave its traces on me whether in a form of feedback for mega project future aspects or beautiful comments from Ma’am Naqsh and Aleena. This session also provide me a line to continue working on my mega project as it has a huge potential to became a successful business and I am glad that some of my fellows a willing to go forward with me. The most memorable moment of this session was singing and feedback time, finally I was able to hear some of them singing and I must admit they all have amazing voices.

Having a goal in life is a gift which most of us do not have, finding a goal for life is huge task which required determination, concentration and dedication but sometimes letting your brain free from all worries and do something completely opposite is also important, this key act differentiate us from machines and keep our human part alive. The sessions were not only improve us from academic side but also support us emotionally as lock down was imposed and nothing much to do, all family and friends gathering were vanished these session fills that gap and help us to keep our hopes alive and fight with this situation.

The most important takeaway from this fellowship is its fellows or should I say my fellows having people with such a versatile background always provide constructive feedback from all aspects, leave the feedback behind having friends from every part of country with different background improve you as a person, I make sure that these friends will not go away, whenever I visit someone’s city I make sure to call and arrange a meetup, I will share important events of my life with all of them from social media or any other medium. I make sure to help them with best of my resources whenever they need and finally I will try my level best to include as many of them as possible in my Mega project journey by this our connection became stronger as we all mutually working on same goal and help each other to achieve their goals in life.

This fellowship was a wonderful learning experience specially it improves me as professional, finding a mentor, have a lollypop moments, pomodoro technique, PASSENGER series many more life changing lesson whatever I have learnt will remain with me for the rest of my life.

Best of luck to all!

